Makerspace (MAKR)

MAKR 301  Basic Makerspace Skills I   Units: 0

Introduces students and other individuals to the skills and equipment used in makerspaces. Skills include but are not limited to basic makerspace safety, basic equipment safety, and basic prototyping. Equipment includes 3D printers, vinyl/paper printers & cutters, sewing/embroidery, soldering, etc. Students will be able to learn independently and in groups to enhance their personal skills in using equipment safely and effectively to create and build items for personal and educational uses. After completing the two-course sequence of ENTR 301 and 302, students will receive training, badges, and a certificate of completion to safely use equipment at a beginning level. Students will be more prepared for entering STEM and maker career paths in education, community centers, and libraries. This course cannot be taken for credit.
Noncredit Hours: 5                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

MAKR 302  Basic Makerspace Skills II   Units: 0

Provides additional instruction on the skills and equipment used in makerspaces. More advanced practice is provided for skills related to makerspace safety, equipment safety, and prototyping. Equipment includes a CNC machine, resin 3D printer, resin casting, laser engraver/cutter, airbrush painting, vacuum forming, etc. Students will be able to learn independently and in groups to enhance their personal skills in using equipment safely and effectively to create and build items for personal and educational uses. After completing the two-course sequence of ENTR 301 and 302, students will receive training, badges, and a certificate of completion to safely use equipment at a beginning level. Students will be more prepared for entering STEM and maker career paths in education, community centers, and libraries. This course cannot be taken for credit.
Noncredit Hours: 5                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

MAKR 700  Introduction to Makerspaces   Units: 3

Introduction to the Maker Movement, a survey of cultures, disciplines, materials, and technologies related to the traditions of making through time and around the world. Students will recognize key materials and techniques of disciplines including the arts, construction, engineering, and computer science to critically analyze and apply ways of creating that support an understanding of culturally significant work of diverse peoples and eras. Through readings, discussion, and hands-on building, students construct insights, strategies, and skills to bring their ideas and projects from concept to completion.
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: Take MAKR-301 Take MAKR-302
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NAA
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None