College of the Desert General Education Requirements (COD GE)

2024 - 2025

Students must complete the course requirements as specified in the program of study for the declared major in addition to the general education courses in order to earn an Associate's Degree. 

C1. Natural Sciences: 3 units

Course Code Title Units
A 001Descriptive Astronomy3
A 002Descriptive Astronomy4
A 003Planetary Astronomy4
AGEH 001Horticulture3
AGEH 001LHorticulture Laboratory1
AGPS 002Entomology - General & Applied4
AGPS 005Plant Science3
AGPS 005LPlant Science Lab1
ANTH 001Human Evolution: Introduction to,Biological Anthropology3
ANTH 001LHuman Evolution: Introduction to,Biological Anthropology Lab1
BI 004Elements of Biology4
BI 005Molecular and Cell Biology5
BI 006Biology of Organisms5
BI 007Biology of Mammals3
BI 007LBiology of Mammals Lab1
BI 011Biology of Viruses3
BI 013Human Anatomy and Physiology I4
BI 014Human Anatomy and Physiology II5
BI 015General Microbiology5
CH 001AGeneral Chemistry I5
CH 001BGeneral Chemistry II5
CH 003Introductory General Chemistry4
CH 005Bio-organic Chemistry4
CH 007Fundamentals of Chemistry5
CH 010AOrganic Chemistry I5
CH 010BOrganic Chemistry II5
ENGR 006AElectric Circuits for Engineering &,Science4
G 001Physical Geology4
G 002Historical Geology with Laboratory4
G 005Environmental Geology4
G 010The Earth Sciences4
G 022Introduction to Environmental Sciences3
GEOG 001Physical Geography3
GEOG 001LPhysical Geography Lab1
NR 001Conservation of Natural Resources3
NR 001LConservation of Natural Resources Lab1
PH 001Introductory Physics4
PH 002ACollege Physics I4
PH 002BCollege Physics II4
PH 003AEngineering Physics4
PH 003BEngineering Physics4
PH 003CEngineering Physics4
PH 006AElectric Circuits for Engineering &,Science4
PH 017Introduction to Meteorology3
PH 017LIntroduction to Meteorology Lab1
PH 020APhysics for Life Sciences Majors I4
PH 020BPhysics for Life Sciences Majors II4

C2. Social and Behavioral Sciences: 3 units

Course Code Title Units
ANTH 002Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 003Archaeology, Introduction to Prehistory3
ANTH 007Anthropology of Religion, Magic,,Witchcraft, and Healing3
BUMA 032Human Relations in the Workplace3
CDE 227Child Guidance3
CJ 001Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CJ 020Introduction to Social Justice Studies 13
CJ 025Introduction to Homeland Security &,Terrorism3
COUN 101Career/Life Planning & Personal,Exploration3
DDP 113Design for Social Change3
ECON 001Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 002Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON 011International Economics3
ECON 012Understanding Econ Principles & Applications3
ETHN 001Introduction to Ethnic Studies3
ETHN 002Introduction to Chicanx & Latinx,Studies3
ETHN 003Introduction to Black Studies3
ETHN 004Introduction to Native American,Studies3
ETHN 005Introduction to Asian American Studies3
GEOG 002Cultural Geography3
GEOG 007Regional Geography3
GS 010Global Studies3
GS 011Global Issues3
HIST 003History of World Civilization I3
HIST 004History of World Civilization II3
HIST 005History of Western Civilization I3
HIST 006History of Western Civilization II3
HIST 017US History through Reconstruction3
HIST 018US History from Reconstruction to,Present3
HIST 021California History3
HIST 023Latin American History3
HIST 050American Popular Culture3
HS 013General Nutrition3
J 005News Literacy3
KINE 006Women's Self Defense, Health & Fitness3
KINE 010Personal & Community Health3
KINE 011Men's Self Defense, Health & Fitness3
MC 001Introduction to Mass Media3
PHIL 003Introduction to Political Theory 13
PHIL 013Perspectives on Death & Dying3
PS 001Introduction to Government3
PS 002Introduction to Comparative Governments3
PS 003Introduction to Political Theory 13
PS 004Introduction to International Relations3
PS 005The American Presidency3
PS 006Latinx Politics3
PS 009Race and Ethnic Politics3
PSY 001General Psychology3
PSY 003Developmental Psychology3
PSY 007Positive Psychology3
PSY 009Psychology of Prejudice and,Discrimination3
PSY 010Psychological Aspects/Marriage & Family3
PSY 012Human Sexuality3
PSY 020Adolescent Psychology3
PSY 023Psychology of Women and Gender3
PSY 025Intro to Research Methods for,Soc Sciences3
PSY 027Biological Psychology3
PSY 029Abnormal Psychology3
PSY 030Social Psychology3
PSY 033Personal & Social Adjustment3
RTV 003Sports Media3
SJS 020Introduction to Social Justice Studies 13
SJS 021Introduction to LGBTQIA Studies3
SOC 001Introductory Sociology3
SOC 002Social Problems3
SOC 005Sociology of Gender and Sexuality3
SOC 006Introduction to Criminology3
SOC 007Introduction to Social Work and Social,Welfare3
SOC 009Sociology of Sport3
SOC 014Introduction to Race & Ethnicity3
SOC 015Mexican American Culture & Society3

C3. Arts, Humanities, and Culture: 3 units

Course Code Title Units
ARCH 014History of Architecture I3
ART 003ABasic Design & Color3
ART 004Three-Dimensional Design3
ART 005ABeginning Figure Drawing3
ART 005BIntermediate Figure Drawing3
ART 007Ceramics3
ART 008Fiber Art3
ART 030ABeginning Black & White Photography 13
ART 031Digital Photography 13
ART 034Introduction to Digital Art & Media3
ARTH 002AHistory of Art I: Prehistoric to,Medieval3
ARTH 002BHistory of Art II: Renaissance to,Contemporary3
ARTH 002CHistory of Modern Art3
ARTH 010Understanding Art3
ARTH 012AArts of Asia3
ARTH 012BArts of Africa, Oceania, & Indigenous,North America3
ARTH 012CArts of Latin America3
ARTH 033History of Photography3
ASL 001Elementary American Sign Language I5
ASL 002Elementary American Sign Language II5
ASL 003Intermediate American Sign Language I4
ASL 004Intermediate American Sign Language II4
CDE 229Children's Literature 13
CJ 005Racial Issues and the Police3
CJ 025Introduction to Homeland Security &,Terrorism3
DANC 015History of Dance3
DDP 100Introduction to Digital Art & Media3
DDP 113Design for Social Change3
DDP 131Digital Photography 13
DDP 135Beginning Black & White Photography 13
ENG 002Argumentative Writing and Critical,Thinking through Literature4
ENG 005AIntroduction to Creative Writing3
ENG 010AAmerican Literature I3
ENG 010BAmerican Literature II3
ENG 011AEnglish Literature I3
ENG 011BEnglish Literature II3
ENG 012AGlobal Literature 13
ENG 012BWorld Literature II3
ENG 014Shakespeare3
ENG 015The Short Story3
ENG 017Literature by Women3
ENG 018Poetry CSI3
ENG 021Intro Latin American/Chicano Literature3
ENG 022Intro to African American Literature3
ENG 024Native American Literature3
ENG 025Introduction to the Novel3
ENG 026LGBTQ+ Literature3
ENG 035Myths and Legends3
ENG 036Children's Literature 13
ENG 037Methods of Tutoring Writing3
FILM 001Introduction to Film3
FILM 021Contemporary World Film3
FILM 022American Film to the 1960s3
FILM 023Contemporary American Film3
FR 001Elementary French I5
FR 002Elementary French II5
FR 003Intermediate French I4
FR 004Intermediate French II4
GER 001Elementary German I5
GER 002Elementary German II5
HIST 003History of World Civilization I3
HIST 004History of World Civilization II3
HIST 005History of Western Civilization I3
HIST 006History of Western Civilization II3
HIST 017US History through Reconstruction3
HIST 018US History from Reconstruction to,Present3
HIST 021California History3
HIST 023Latin American History3
HIST 050American Popular Culture3
JPN 001Elementary Japanese I5
JPN 002Elementary Japanese II5
MUS 001Music Theory I4
MUS 002Music Theory II4
MUS 005History of Rock 'n' Roll3
MUS 006History of Film Music3
MUS 007History of Musical Theatre 13
MUS 010Introduction to Music3
MUS 011The History of Jazz3
MUS 012Fundamentals of Music3
PHIL 006Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL 007Ideas of the Great Philosophers3
PHIL 012Religions of the World3
PHIL 013Perspectives on Death & Dying3
PHIL 014Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 017Philosophy of Religion3
SPAN 001Elementary Spanish I5
SPAN 002Elementary Spanish II5
SPAN 003Intermediate Spanish I4
SPAN 004Intermediate Spanish II4
SPAN 020Latin American Culture and Civilization3
SPAN 021Spanish for Heritage Speakers I5
SPAN 022Spanish for Heritage Speakers II5
SPAN 024Latin American Short Story4
TA 001Introduction to Theatre3
TA 002Acting I3
TA 007History of Musical Theatre 13
TA 012Introduction to Costume Design3
TA 013Introduction to Lighting Design3
TA 028Introduction to Stage Management3
TA 029Fabrication Techniques - Props,,Furniture, and Detailed Objects3
TA 032Technical Theatre Production3

C4. Language and Rationality: 6 units

C4.a  English Composition - 3 units

Course Code Title Units
ENG 001AEnglish Composition4
ENG 001XEnglish Composition with Co-Curricular,Support5

C4.b  Communication & Analytical Thinking - 3 units

Course Code Title Units
BUMA 003Business Statistics3
CIS 009Mathematical Modeling for Business3
COMM 001Introduction to Public Speaking3
COMM 005Survey of Human Communication3
COMM 009Intro to Interpersonal Communication3
COMM 013Small Group Communication3
COMM 017Intercultural Communication3
COMM 021Introduction to Persuasion3
COMM 025Argumentation and Debate3
ENG 002Argumentative Writing and Critical,Thinking through Literature4
LIS 001An Introduction to Basic Research,Skills3
MATH 001ACalculus4
MATH 001BCalculus II4
MATH 002AMultivariate Calculus4
MATH 002BLinear Algebra4
MATH 002COrdinary Differential Equations4
MATH 005Trigonometry5
MATH 009Business Calculus4
MATH 010College Algebra4
MATH 011Math Concepts for Elementary School,Teachers - Number Systems4
MATH 012Pre-calculus5
MATH 013Liberal Arts Math4
MATH 014Statistical Methods4
MATH 015Discrete Mathematics for Computers4
MATH 016Finite Mathematics3
MATH 045Math Fundamentals for Social Science4
MATH 049Intermediate Algebra4
PHIL 010General Logic3
SOC 003Fundamentals of Statistics3
SOC 004Sociological Analysis& Critical Thinking3

C5. Personal Growth and Development: 3 units

Course Code Title Units
BUMA 028Introduction To Entrepreneurship3
BUMA 032Human Relations in the Workplace3
CART 030Whole Food Natural Cooking3
CART 041Culinary Production and Operations3
CDE 101Child Growth & Development3
CDE 102Child, Family, & Community3
CDE 227Child Guidance3
CIS 010Introduction to Information Systems4
COLL 001First Year Seminar3
COUN 101Career/Life Planning & Personal,Exploration3
DDP 195Business Practices and Portfolio,Preparation for Creatives3
ENTR 001Introduction to Entrepreneurship3
HS 013General Nutrition3
HSAD 001Introduction to Alcohol & Drug Studies3
KINE 001First Aid and Safety3
KINE 006Women's Self Defense, Health & Fitness3
KINE 008Introduction to Kinesiology3
KINE 010Personal & Community Health3
KINE 011Men's Self Defense, Health & Fitness3
PSY 003Developmental Psychology3
PSY 010Psychological Aspects/Marriage & Family3
PSY 012Human Sexuality3
PSY 020Adolescent Psychology3
PSY 023Psychology of Women and Gender3
PSY 030Social Psychology3
PSY 033Personal & Social Adjustment3

Supplementary notes- See a counselor for more information:

  1. A single course, even though listed in more than one area, can only be used to satisfy one General Education requirement.
  2. See degree and graduation requirements, in addition to General Education requirements. Also, see COD's kinesiology requirement for an A.S. or A.A. degree, and English, reading and math minimum competencies. 


  1. Indicates cross listed courses. Only one course can be taken: ART 030A & DDP 135, ART 031 & DDP 131, ENG 036 & CDE 229, MUS 007 & TA 007, SJS 020 & CJ 020, PS 003 & PHIL 003.