Basic Film Production Certificate of Completion

Digital film and video technology has transformed filmmaking, making it possible to produce independent movies and video projects without huge budgets, expensive cameras or large crews. This development allows many different organizations today to use film and video as part of their work. Whether the goal is to fulfill a personal artistic vision, market a product or advance a cause, the fundamental need to tell a story remains paramount, and film is a powerful means to do it.

The Basic Film Production Certificate of Completion provides an introduction to the theory, terminology, and process of digital film and video production. Topics include basic camera and sound acquisition techniques including the operation, function and creative uses of digital cameras and post-production production software. The emphasis is on abstract short films and music videos and short documentary films that help the students find their filmmaking voice and style. Students learn basic production management and directing skills as well as basic scripting, camera operation, picture editing and sound editing and mixing.

Learning Outcomes

Upon satisfactory completion of this program students will be able to:

  1. Pre-produce, produce and post-produce short films and videos.
  2. Demonstrate the skills necessary to get entry-level jobs in and video development, production and post-production.

Program Requirements

Course Code Title Units
Required Courses
FILM 302DFilm Production IA: Basic Film Production0
FILM 302EFilm Production IB: Basic Film Production0