Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS)

DSPS 021  Wellness and Stress Management   Units: 3

This specific course is designed to teach students with disabilities evidence-based wellness and stress management strategies for academic, personal, and workplace success. Topics will include identifying stress, the human stress response system, resiliency, perseverance, and stress management techniques.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NAA
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 040  Survey of Resources for DSPS Students   Units: 2

This course focuses on an in-depth assessment of the student with a disability. It also introduces the student to the information and skills necessary for success in college. Course topics include development of personal goals, self-advocacy skills, use of services provided by DSPS as well as other student support services on campus, and available community resources. Students will learn to implement their Student Education Plans (SEPs), prepared by a DSPS counselor, to work toward their educational goals and will learn what accommodations are necessary to achieve these goals.
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Intended for students with disabilities
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NAA
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 041  Information Management Strategies   Units: 2

Course emphasis is to develop and enhance the ability of students with disabilities to manage and organize information. Multi-media instruction is utilized. The lecture section includes specific software programs and hardware designed to assist students in the management of academic coursework. The lab section provides repetition of the topics using various software applications, specialized hardware, and individualized computer instruction.
Lecture Hours: 27         Lab Hours: 27          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Intended for students with disabilities
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NAA
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 043  Alternative Learning Strategies   Units: 3

This course provides specialized computer-assisted instruction for students with disabilities. Students are provided with study skills strategies to maximize their learning potential and to promote academic success.
Lecture Hours: 45         Lab Hours: 27          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Intended for students with disabilities
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NAA
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 045A  Job Skills Dev/Vocational Exploration   Units: 1

This course is designed to assist students with disabilities in developing specific goals for employment. The course focuses on personal and vocational assessment, clarification of values, identification of skills, and the development of a vocational plan.
Lecture Hours: 18         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Intended for Workability III students
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NAA
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 045B  Job Skills Dev/Job Applications/Resume   Units: 0.5

This course is designed to assist students with disabilities in successfully completing job applications and writing a resume, complete with a cover letter.
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Intended for Workability III students
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NAA
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 045C  Job Skills Dev/Job Interview Skills   Units: 0.5

This course is designed to assist students with disabilities to develop competitive job interview skills.
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Intended for Workability III students
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NAA
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 304  Instructional Support Lab   Units: 0

The Instructional Support Lab is a laboratory setting that provides access to adaptive hardware and software with a Disability Specialist/Instructor for students with disabilities. Under the direction of the instructor, students utilize specialized equipment to assist in completion of assignments from their academic classes and enhance academic skills.
Noncredit Hours: 90                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Intended for students with disabilities
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 305  Career Development for Students With,Disabilities   Units: 0

This course is designed to support college students with disabilities in developing specific goals for career development. The course focuses on personal and vocational assessment, clarification of values, identification of skills, and the development of educational and vocational goals.
Noncredit Hours: 54                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 306  Career Exploration for Students With,Disabilities   Units: 0

This course is designed to support college students with disabilities who want to improve their ability to develop specific employment goals. It focuses on adaptability, digital fluency, and exploring college majors and careers.
Noncredit Hours: 54                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 307  Career Preparation for Students With,Disabilities   Units: 0

This course is designed to support college students with disabilities in developing specific goals for career preparation. The course focuses on completing job applications and writing a resume, complete with a cover letter, and developing competitive job interview skills.
Noncredit Hours: 54                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 308  Career Success for Students With,Disabilities   Units: 0

This course is designed to assist students with disabilities in successfully obtaining an internship and/or employment directly related to their vocational goal. Students will learn about accommodations in the workplace, adaptability, analysis and solutions mindset and self-awareness in the workplace.
Noncredit Hours: 54                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 312  Social Skills 1 for Students with,Disabilities   Units: 0

This course is designed for students with disabilities who want to learn how to improve in-person and online social skills. This course will include activities to enhance social interaction skills, including unstated rules in a variety of social situations. This course will also cover skills related to relationships, verbal and non-verbal communication, conflict resolution, and planning and attending social events.
Noncredit Hours: 54                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 313  Social Skills 2 for Students with,Disabilities   Units: 0

This course is designed for student with disabilities who want to continue to learn how to improve in-person and online social skills. This course will cover social skills related to interacting with strangers, acquaintances, friends, and personal relationships. Further, this course will cover skills for self-regulation, assertiveness, handling teasing and bullying, rumors and gossip, conflict and disagreements, and engaging at social events.
Noncredit Hours: 54                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 315  DSPS Transition to College   Units: 0

This course is designed to support new college students with disabilities. The course covers several important skills required to succeed in the college environment. Some of these include navigating college systems, technology skills for college, and self-advocacy.
Noncredit Hours: 42                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 317  Community Living Skills for,Students with Disabilities   Units: 0

This course is designed to support college students with disabilities who want to improve community skills, including mobility, safety, consumer skills, recreation, and work readiness.
Noncredit Hours: 54                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 319  Relationships and Sexual Health for,Students with Disabilities   Units: 0

This course is designed to support college students with disabilities who want to explore their attitudes and values regarding healthy sexual relationship development. Topics include human anatomy, reproduction, contraception choices, sexual orientation, sexually transmitted infections, and sexual coercion. Students will learn about building relationships with an emphasis on the development of positive personal strategies.
Noncredit Hours: 54                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 321  Wellness and Stress Management for,Students with Disabilities   Units: 0

This specific course is designed to teach students with disabilities evidence-based wellness and stress management strategies for academic, personal, and workplace success. Topics will include identifying stress, the human stress response system, resiliency, perseverance, and stress management techniques.
Noncredit Hours: 54                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 330  Introduction to Computers for,Students with Disabilities   Units: 0

This course is designed to help students with disabilities learn basic computer skills with the benefit of limited class size and individually paced instructions. Topics will include knowledge of computer components, care and maintenance of hardware, peripherals, accessories, the basic operation of a computer, and keyboard skills. Topics will also include introductory internet skills, community resources, email, social media, and online safety. Assistive technology will be made available to facilitate general computer use for students with disabilities.
Noncredit Hours: 54                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 332  Assistive Learning Technologies   Units: 0

This course is designed for students with disabilities who want to learn various Assistive Learning Technologies (ALT). This course will include activities that utilize different assistive technologies in both educational and vocational environments. This course will also cover skills in matching appropriate assistive technology to disabilities.
Noncredit Hours: 54                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 338  Adaptive Basic Makerspace Skills for,Students with Disabilities 1   Units: 0

Introduces Students with Disabilities and other individuals to the skills and equipment used in makerspaces. Skills include but are not limited to basic makerspace safety, basic equipment safety, and basic prototyping. Equipment includes 3D printers, vinyl/paper printers & cutters, sewing/embroidery, soldering, etc. Students will be able to learn independently and in groups to enhance their personal skills in using equipment safely and effectively to create and build items for personal and educational uses. After completing the two-course sequence of DSPS 338 and DSPS 339, students will receive training, badges, and a certificate of completion to safely use equipment at a beginning level. Students will be more prepared for entering STEM and maker career paths in education, community centers, and libraries. This course cannot be taken for credit.
Noncredit Hours: 42                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 339  Adaptive Basic Makerspace Skills for,Students with Disabilities 2   Units: 0

Provides additional instruction on the skills and equipment used in makerspaces. More advanced practice is provided for skills related to makerspace safety, equipment safety, and prototyping. Students with Disabilities will be using adaptive/assistive technology to utilize the makerspace equipment. Makerspace equipment includes a CNC machine, resin 3D printer, resin casting, laser engraver/cutter, airbrush painting, vacuum forming, etc. Students will be able to learn independently and in groups to enhance their personal skills in using equipment safely and effectively to create and build items for personal and educational uses. After completing the two-course sequence of DSPS 338 and 339, students will receive training, badges, and a certificate of completion to safely use equipment at a beginning level. Students will be more prepared for entering STEM and maker career paths in education, community centers, and libraries. This course cannot be taken for credit.
Noncredit Hours: 42                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: DSPS 338.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

DSPS 340  College Preparatory Writing Skills for,Students with Disabilities   Units: 0

This course is designed to assist students with disabilities in developing essential pre-college writing skills.
Noncredit Hours: 90                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None