Associated Students of COD (ASCOD) & Office of Student Life
The Associated Students of COD serves as the recognized voice of students on campus, and operates under the direction of officers who are elected by the College of the Desert student body. The organization is the vehicle through which students may actively participate in shared governance. Students who serve on college and district wide committees are appointed by ASCOD. ASCOD is dedicated to serving the student body by specifically helping to promote the interests and rights of the students it represents.
The Interclub Council (ICC) serves to promote student club & organization involvement and activities. As the promoter of student clubs & organizations to the campus community, representatives exchange ideas, review club charters, and host events that promote a sense of unity between clubs and the intellectual, artistic, and social life of students.
The Office of Student Life provides College of the Desert students a variety of opportunities to become involved in extra- and co-curricular activities. The Office of Student Life connects students to clubs & organizations, the Associated Students of COD, and the Student Ambassador Program. The Office of Student Life provides an inclusive, experiential learning environment and creates dynamic opportunities for the intellectual growth of students through leadership and learning. In addition, the Office of Student Life offers leadership development, student clubs of varying interests, meeting rooms, and facilities for socializing and student recognition ceremonies. For more information, please call 760.862.1317
The Student Ambassador Program is a comprehensive student advancement program of prestige that encourages connective leadership as it supports the mission and vision of College of the Desert. The student ambassador program is a dynamic team of student leaders dedicated to supporting student success, serving, and promoting College of the Desert to current and prospective students, guests, and Alumni. SAP offers leadership training and professional development opportunities for its members. The heart of what an ambassador does is “Student Engagement” using public relations skills to build community and serve students in two main areas: campus and community services and student support services.