Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education (ECE) is the study of child development and developmentally appropriate practices for young children. Career paths chosen by students pursuing undergraduate studies in ECE commonly include infant/toddler or preschool teachers and administrators. Careers in the discipline that generally require graduate-level degrees include teachers and administrators of government funded programs like Head Start and state preschools. Even students who choose not to major in ECE find that coursework in the field improves their parenting skills.

College of the Desert’s ECE curriculum includes course offerings that provide a general overview of the discipline, as well as teaching strategies that are developmentally appropriate for young children. Students earning ECE certificates may also choose to continue their study toward an associate, baccalaureate or advanced degree in the field. Students earning an associate’s degree in ECE may pursue entry-level positions as preschool teachers or may choose to continue their study in the discipline toward a bachelor’s or graduate degree. COD has transfer agreements with CSUSB, in this discipline/program. However, transfer requirements at four-year colleges and universities tend to vary from institution to institution; students should consult with a counselor for specific information regarding the transfer requirements of their preferred college or university.


Maria Avalos

Jessica Huffman



Tiffanie Schnabel-Moreno



CDE 095A  Child Development & Education Work Exper   Units: 1-5

This work experience course of supervised employment provides students the opportunity to connect academics to applied experiential learning in the workplace. It assists students in developing transferable employability skills, career awareness, learning industry culture, competencies and norms, and developing professional networks that support career mobility. To enroll, students must have a job or internship placement in a part-time or full-time capacity. Credit may be accrued at the rate of one to five (1-5) units per semester based on the student's ability to meet the hours required per unit enrolled. Students must work 54 hours per unit earned. This Work Experience course is available to students whose job or internship placement is directly related to Child Development & Education.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 270          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 101  Child Growth & Development   Units: 3

This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturation processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences, and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. (C-ID CDEV 100)
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: C5                 CSU GE: D7, E                 IGETC: None

CDE 102  Child, Family, & Community   Units: 3

Introduces the processes of socialization focusing on the interrelationship of family, school, peers, and community. Examines the influence of multiple societal contexts. Explore the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children's development, birth through adolescence. Required for teachers in all early childhood education programs as a part of the 12 units for the Child Development Permit and licensing requirements for the State of California.(C-ID CDEV 110)
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: CDE 101.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: C5                 CSU GE: D7                 IGETC: None

CDE 103  Principles & Practices of Teaching   Units: 3

This course presents an examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practice in early care and education. Emphasis on the role of the early childhood educator, the importance of teacher-child relationships, and effective teaching strategies and environmental design for supporting development in young children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, ethics, and professional identity. C-ID: ECE 120
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 104  Introduction to Curriculum   Units: 3

This course presents an overview of knowledge and skills related to providing appropriate curriculum and environments for young children. Students examine teacher's role in supporting development and fostering the joy of learning for all young children using observation and assessment strategies emphasizing the essential role of play. An overview of content areas will include, but not be limited to: language and literacy, social and emotional learning, sensory learning, art and creativity, math and science. (C-ID ECE 130)
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: CDE-101 or ECE-010 or concurrent enrollment CDE-102 or ECE-012 concurrent enrollment.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 201  Health, Safety, & Nutrition   Units: 3

Introduction to the laws, regulations, standards, policies, procedures, best practices and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety, and nutrition. Includes prevention strategies, nutrition, and meal planning for various ages and planning education experiences integrated into daily routines designed to teach children positive health, safety, and nutrition habits. The key components that ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff will be identified along with the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. (C-ID ECE 220)
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 202  Teaching in a Diverse Society   Units: 3

Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies are explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. (C-ID ECE 230)
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 203  Observation and Assessment   Units: 3

This course focuses on the appropriate use of assessment and observation strategies to document development, growth, play and learning in order to join with families and professionals in promoting children's success and maintaining quality programs. Recording strategies, rating systems, portfolios, and multiple assessment methods are explored. (C-ID ECE 200)
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: CDE 104.
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 204  Practicum in Early Childhood Education   Units: 4

A demonstration of developmentally appropriate early childhood teaching competencies under guided supervision. Students will utilize practical classroom experiences to make connections between theory and practice, develop professional behaviors, and build a comprehensive understanding of children and families. Child centered, play-oriented approaches to teaching, learning, and assessment; and knowledge of curriculum content areas will be emphasized as student teachers design, implement and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for all young children. (C-ID ECE 210)
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: 108          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: CDE 203 (formerly ECE 046B).
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 220  Infant/Toddler Growth & Development   Units: 3

This course studies the process of human development from conception through age three as determined by heredity, society, and human interaction with implications for child guidance. Prenatal development and the birth process are emphasized. Theoretical frameworks are applied to interpret behavior and interactions between heredity and environment. Multiple influences on development are analyzed including cultural, linguistic, and ability differences are emphasized. The role of family and relationships in development are emphasized.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: CDE 101.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 221  Infant/Toddler Curriculum   Units: 3

This course prepares students to apply current theory and research to the care and education of children from birth to 36 months including design of a developmentally appropriate learning environment. Licensing requirements and teacher competency necessary for working with children from birth to 36 months are explored. Essential policies and practices that contribute to high quality care for children from birth to 36 months are examined.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: CDE 220.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 223  The Mentor Teacher/Adult Supervision   Units: 2

Methods and principles of supervising student teachers, volunteers, staff, and other adults in early care and education settings. Emphasis is on the role and development of early childhood education professionals as mentors and leaders.
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: CDE 203.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 224  Administration of Programs for Young,Children   Units: 3

Introduction to the administration of early childhood programs. Covers program types, budget, management, regulations, laws, development and implementation of policies and procedures. Examines administrative tools, philosophies, and techniques needed to organize, open, and operate an early care and education program. It is required by the State Department of Social Services for directors of private preschools and child care programs.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: CDE 101 & completion of 9 additional units of CDE coursework.
Advisory: ENG 001A, CDE 102, CDE 103 and CDE 104.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 225  Advanced Administration of Programs for,Young Children   Units: 3

Effective strategies for personnel management and leadership in early care and education settings. Includes legal and ethical responsibilities, supervision techniques, professional development, and reflective practices for a diverse and inclusive early care and education program.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: CDE 224.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 226A  Parenting Infants & Toddlers   Units: 1

This course explores parent-child interaction patterns for parents of infants and toddlers. Students examine age-appropriate behaviors, problem behaviors, observation and communication strategies. Special attention is given to family structures, cultural backgrounds, and parenting children with disabilities.
Lecture Hours: 18         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 226B  Parenting the Preschool Child   Units: 1

This course explores parent-child interaction patterns for parents of preschool aged children. Students examine age-appropriate behaviors, problem behaviors, observation and communication strategies. Special attention is given to family structures, cultural backgrounds, and parenting children with disabilities.
Lecture Hours: 18         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 226C  Parenting the Young Child   Units: 1

This course explores parent-child interaction patterns for those parenting children ages 5-8. Students examine age-appropriate behaviors, problem behaviors, observation and communication strategies. Special attention is given to family structures, cultural backgrounds, and parenting children with disabilities.
Lecture Hours: 18         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 227  Child Guidance   Units: 3

This course presents a developmentally appropriate approach to the guidance of children, including children with special needs. Effective guidance techniques, effective communication and working with children in groups will be covered. The role of and collaboration with familiy as a means to effective guidance will be covered. This course is intended for teachers and professionals who work with children in a variety of settings.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: CDE 101 & ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: C2, C5                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 228  Child Maltreatment, Intervention, &,Prevention   Units: 3

This course examines physical, emotional and sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation of minors (children and youth), as well as issues which contribute to child maltreatment. The developmental consequences of stress and trauma on children are explored. Emphasis is placed on appropriate ways to support family strengths, foster positive mental health and prevent, detect and intervene in cases of suspected child maltreatment. California Mandated Reporter Training will be completed as a part of this course.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 229  Children's Literature   Units: 3

This course introduces students to a formal study of literature for children from preschool through middle school, including critical examination of genres, themes, and cultures depicted in these texts; in addition, students study the professional literary criticism of this literature. (Equivalent to ENG 036.)(C-ID ENGL 180)
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: ENG 001A.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: C3                 CSU GE: C2                 IGETC: 3B

CDE 230  English Language Learners in ECE   Units: 3

This course focuses on principles for promoting language, literacy, and learning for preschool English language learners. Upon successful completion of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to foster an environment that respects and values linguistic and cultural diversity while assisting children toward the eventual mastery of English as a second language.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: CDE 101.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 231  Creativity in Young Children   Units: 3

This course examines materials and techniques for teaching creative activities to young children. Developing creativity and cognitive flexibility are emphasized. Various sensory modalities are explored. Alignment of curriculum with California State Standards while providing a play-based creative environment is highlighted.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: CDE 101.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 232  Science, Technology, Engineering & Math,in ECE   Units: 3

This course explores the development of curriculum ideas for teaching about scientific, mathematical, engineering, and technology (STEM) concepts to young children.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: CDE 101.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 233  Introduction to Young Children with,Special Needs   Units: 3

This course provides an introduction to special education in early childhood settings. Introduces the variations in development of children with special needs ages birth through eight and the resulting impact on families. Includes an overview of historical and societal influences, laws relating to children with special needs, and the identification and referral process. The role of child development professionals and paraprofessionals in serving children with disabilities is emphasized. Strategies to include children with special needs in full inclusion settings are emphasized.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: CDE 101.
Advisory: CDE 102.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 234  Inclusion Strategies for Children with,Special Needs   Units: 3

This course prepares students to become professionals in programs serving children with special needs and their families. Covers curriculum and intervention strategies for working with children with special needs in partnership with their families and communities. Focuses on the use of observation and assessment in meeting the individualized needs of children in inclusive and natural environments. Including the role of the teacher and other professionals working with families, collaboration with interdisciplinary teams and cultural competence. Strategies to support children with challenging behaviors are emphasized.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: CDE 233.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 236  Music and Movement for Young Children   Units: 3

This course emphasizes the creation of developmentally appropriate curriculum ideas for using music and movement to develop listening skills, basic music concepts, and identification of instruments in a whole child approach. Emphasis is placed on using music and movement to enhance curriculum in all domains of development. The use of music and movement concepts to explore child guidance and emergent curriculum will be covered.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: CDE 101.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 237  Inclusion Practicum   Units: 3

Designed to develop both planning and intervention skills for working with children with special needs and their families. Students will plan educational programs which include use of specific intervention techniques and practices from recognized early intervention programs for children showing atypical development. Attention will be given to adopting strategies to include exceptional children in programs for typically developing young children. Students will be required to complete 54 hours of supervised field experience in an approved inclusion classroom.
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: CDE 234.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 240  Social Cognition & the Developing Brain   Units: 3

This course is designed to help students understand brain development occurs through the interaction of a child's relationships and experiences. Early childhood teachers (birth to age eight) create calm and effective learning environments when they facilitate children's capacity to know others (social cognition) and to get along with others (prosocial behavior).
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: CDE 101.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 241  ECE Global Diplomacy Practicum   Units: 3

This course is designed to develop the practical skills needed to work in a global education environment by placing students in an integrated, service-learning study abroad experience. Critical thinking skills and application will be developed by examining communication, culture, history, values and lifestyles in the context of childhood.
Lecture Hours: 18         Lab Hours: 108          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: CDE 204.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 245  Licensed Family Child Care   Units: 2

This course prepares students to integrate basic principles of child development in establishing a quality child care program within a family home environment. The following are emphasized: Community Care Licensing Title 22 Regulations, Family Child Care Rating Scale (FCCRS), health, safety, nutrition, and child guidance policies and practices that support all children, and the principles of developmentally appropriate curriculum in working with children of various ages.
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 326A  Parenting Infants & Toddlers   Units: 0

This course explores parent-child interaction patterns for parents of infants and toddlers. Students examine age-appropriate behaviors, problem behaviors, observation and communication strategies. Special attention is given to family structures, cultural backgrounds, and parenting children with disabilities.
Noncredit Hours: 18                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 326B  Parenting the Preschool Child   Units: 0

This course explores parent-child interaction patterns for parents of preschool aged children. Students examine age-appropriate behaviors, problem behaviors, observation and communication strategies. Special attention is given to family structures, cultural backgrounds, and parenting children with disabilities.
Noncredit Hours: 18                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

CDE 326C  Parenting the Young Child   Units: 0

This course explores parent-child interaction patterns for those parenting children ages 5-8. Students examine age-appropriate behaviors, problem behaviors, observation and communication strategies. Special attention is given to family structures, cultural backgrounds, and parenting children with disabilities.
Noncredit Hours: 18                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None