
Counseling programs and courses are designed to prepare students for college experiences, academic achievement, and success in educational and occupational pursuits. Each course is designed to assist groups of students who share either common goals or common difficulties in reaching their goals.

New and re-entering students who might benefit from guidance in time management, study techniques, educational planning, setting realistic goals, changing careers, etc., are able to earn credit and reap personal benefits through Counseling courses. For more information, please call 760.773.2521.

The Associate of Arts degree in Liberal Arts is designed for students who wish to have a broad knowledge of liberal arts and sciences plus additional coursework in an "Area of Emphasis." This area of emphasis would be an ideal choice for students planning on transferring to the California State University or University of California, as the student can satisfy their general education requirements, plus focus on transferable course work that relates to majors at CSU or UC. Please consult with a counselor for specific information regarding your intended major or the specific colleges/university of your choice. 

  • Choose either the California State University General Education Certification or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum for the General Education pattern related to your educational goal;
  • Complete 18 units in one "Area of Emphasis" from those outlined below. (Note: Where appropriate, courses in the "area of emphasis" may also be counted for a GE area; see a counselor for appropriate course selection.)
  • For All Options: complete necessary College of the Desert Graduation and Proficiency requirements.
  • All courses listed under Liberal Arts transfer to CSU. Refer to for transfer details or see a counselor or faculty advisor for additional details.

General Education Certification

College of the Desert may certify a student who has completed the lower-division general education requirements and this guarantees that no additional lower-division courses may be imposed on a student as a condition of graduation at the California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC) systems. “Certified” community college students are deemed to have satisfied lower-division general education requirements, while “Non-certified” or “Partially-certified” students may find additional lower-division course requirements upon transfer to these institutions. Therefore, it is recommended that students seek “Full Certification” prior to transfer.

Note: Nine (9) additional upper-division general education units must be completed at the CSU system after transfer to fulfill graduation requirements.

College of the Desert is authorized to certify completion of lower- division coursework completed at College of the Desert and other regionally- accredited institutions through a process of “ pass-along” credit. To receive credit from prior or concurrent colleges and universities, students must submit official transcripts for evaluation to Admissions and Records at College of the Desert. Counselors are available for assistance.

IGETC Certification

College of the Desert may certify completion of the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) for a student when COD is the last/most recent school of attendance. Completion of the IGETC general education pattern satisfies the lower-division general education requirements for both the UC and CSU systems. All IGETC coursework must be completed prior to transfer to be “Fully-Certified”. Students will be “Partially certified” if they are missing no more than two (2) courses from the IGETC pattern. Select STEM majors may qualify for IGETC for STEM certification. Students should see a counselor for further information.

CSU GE Certification

The California State University (CSU) will accept “Full CSU GE Certification” from students completing all 6 areas of the general education pattern. Completion of one or more areas, but not all six, will result in “Partial Certification”. CSU GE certification should be requested in the semester in which the lower-division general education coursework is completed. If a student is only “partially certified”, most CSU campuses will allow the student to complete full certification by taking COD coursework during winter/summer terms or during concurrent COD-CSU enrollment. 

Counseling Faculty:

Heather Basye
760.346.8041 x6368

Victoria Bautista

Kimberly Brooks

Adell Bynum

Scott Cooper

Victoria Curry 

Maria De Santiago

Mary Eden

Gabriela Gudino Martinez

Maria Herrera

Khanh Hoang

Jenna Huntzinger

Monica Lopez

Angel Meraz

Juan Jose Moreno Ibarra

Frank Ramirez

Philip Salas

Senorina Saldivar

Fred Sangiorgio    

Jose Simo

Ana Stockwell    

Evelyn Trejo

Mariana Zepeda    

College (COLL)

COLL 001  First Year Seminar   Units: 3

Development of thinking strategies that can be used for lifelong problem solving in academic, social, and personal life. Introduces critical thinking, information literacy, college resources, motivating factors and study skills for student success. Special emphasis is placed on using materials related to the content area in which the course resides.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: C5                 CSU GE: E                 IGETC: None

Counseling (COUN)

COUN 011  Introduction to Scholarships   Units: 1

Introduces students to scholarship and financial aid opportunities at the local, state, and national levels. Learn research techniques and utilize publications, software, Internet sites, and community resources. Emphasis is on development of a personal organizational system to mange the process of the scholarship search. Identify scholarships that meet personal criteria. Personal statements, interview techniques, resumes, organization and time management skills are also covered.
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: 27          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: Basic knowledge of the Internet; basic word processing.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

COUN 060  College Success Skills   Units: 1

This course helps college students learn the information and develop the skills necessary for success in college. Course topics include an overview of higher education, student support services (including financial aid), study skills (including time management, note taking and test preparation), and an introduction to transfer and career development. Students are helped to develop realistic educational plans consistent with their educational goals.
Lecture Hours: 18         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Student Option
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

COUN 061  College Success/International Students   Units: 0.5

This course is required for all first-semester F-1 Visa students. This course is designed to introduce International Students to various college services and programs. It includes enrollment procedures, interpretation of the College of the Desert Assessment, information on educational programs and assistance in developing a personalized Student Educational Plan in order to assist in accomplishing their future goals. Students are introduced to the requirements for Certificates,the Associate in Arts/Science (A.A. or A.S.) degree, and for transferring to a four-year institution. Campus policies and resources are reviewed as well as an overview of American culture, cultural adaptation issues, career planning, and F-1 Visa issues. This course helps F-1 Visa students gain an understanding of the critical elements involved in living and studying successfully in the United States of America. In addition to becoming acquainted with regulations affecting International Students, the class reviews graduation and transfer requirements along with other policies and procedures at College of the Desert.
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NAA
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

COUN 101  Career/Life Planning & Personal,Exploration   Units: 3

This course is designed to teach strategies for success to promote academic and lifelong learning through the integration of career and academic planning. Topics include: intensive career investigation; assessment of interests, personality, skills, values, and other personal qualities that coincide with educational and career success; application of career and lifespan development theory; psychological and social issues that impact career and life choices; decision-making; time management; goal setting; learning and life management strategies; job search and career building techniques. The course emphasizes on empowering students to take charge of their academic, career, and personal decisions through the integration of career exploration and individual educational planning. (Letter Grade, or Pass/No Pass option.)
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Student Option
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: C2, C5                 CSU GE: E                 IGETC: None

COUN 102  Strategies for College Transfer   Units: 1

This course provides an introduction to the transfer process. Includes an in-depth exploration of transfer requirements, admission procedures, requirements for majors, and financial aid opportunities. The information learned will enable students to make informed choices on majors, four-year institutions and in academic planning. 18 hours lecture. (Letter Grade, or Pass/No Pass option.)
Lecture Hours: 18         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Student Option
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

COUN 300  Student Development Edge   Units: 0

This course provides an introduction to College of the Desert for all incoming college students. Through this course, students will gain an understanding of our college structure, academic programs offered, student planning, financial aid, college expectations and support services.
Noncredit Hours: 12                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

COUN 301  Career Exploration   Units: 0

This course is designed for students who are undecided about or validating their educational or career goals. Using a career planning process, students assess interests, skills, personality, values, and life/work style choices. Students research potential educational and careers goals, and relate their self-assessment information to occupational possibilities and college majors.
Noncredit Hours: 9                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

COUN 302  Career Readiness   Units: 0

Students will learn strategies for successfully entering and transitioning in the workplace. Students will learn how to maximize their strengths, skills, and college learning for gainful and satisfying employment. Students will create a personal brand and professional in-person and online presence to optimize their career opportunities. Resumes, interviewing, professional etiquette, job search, networking, are discussed, developed, and practiced.
Noncredit Hours: 9                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None