
Kinesiology is the study of the science and art of human movement.  The Kinesiology program is dedicated to the study of anatomy, physiology of movement, biomechanics and motor control, fitness and health, psychology of movement, injury and prevention, and career opportunities in Kinesiology.

The department of Kinesiology is a learning centered community that educates and inspires its students to understand and appreciate human movement throughout one’s lifespan.   The coursework in the field can improve students’ ability to think critically, manage stress, and value the human body as an integrated organism with systematic functions such as movement, nutrition, growth, reproduction and aging.  Coursework also promotes intellectual exploration, personal responsibility, personal safety and to value diverse cultures and populations, all contributing to personal and community wellness.

The diverse curricula in Kinesiology studies offers learning opportunities and skill development in professional preparation for future careers in allied health such as physical therapist, athletic training,   teaching and coaching, health and wellness, fitness specialist, personal training, group fitness, yoga and meditation teacher and aquatic specialist.  

Students have opportunities to earn an AA-T degree in Kinesiology and may choose to transfer to a California State University or a University of California in this discipline and program.  Students may also pursue an AS degree in Sports Medicine, developing important skills in many allied health settings.  There are numerous CTE certificates in health and fitness such as Fitness Specialist, Personal Training, and Yoga Teacher.  There are also noncredit CTE certificates in Advanced First Aid and Safety, Lifeguard Training, and Water Safety instructor increasing career related skills and knowledge for employment in the field of Kinesiology.  

The newest Associate of Science degree in Physical Therapy Assistant will be offered beginning summer 2023.  This will provide many job related skills and a strong knowledgeable foundation for a valuable career in the allied health settings.  This degree came to fruition with strong support from nearby Physical Therapy hospital and clinical facilities in our Coachella Valley.  


College of the Desert is a California Community College Athletics Association (CCCAA) institution competing state-wide in fifteen sports. We are a member of the Inland Empire Athletic Conference (IEAC), whose membership includes the following colleges: Barstow College, Chaffey College, Cerro Coso College, Copper Mountain College, Crafton Hills College, College of the Desert, Mt. San Jacinto College, Norco College, Palo Verde College, San Bernardino Valley College, and Victor Valley College. Football competes in the Southern California Football Alliance (SCFA) in the American Mountain Division.

COD offers the following sports: for men - baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, soccer, and tennis; for women - basketball, cross country, golf, beach volleyball, soccer, softball, tennis, and volleyball. Students interested in participating in Athletics should complete the online questionnaire found on the Athletics webpage or contact the Athletic Department at 760.773.2591.


Wendy Ansley
Kinesiology, Yoga Teacher Training, Fitness Specialist

Meredith Dillon
Kinesiology, Sports Medicine, Personal Training

Matthew Wilson
Kinesiology, Personal Training, Physical Therapy

Associate Degrees for Transfer (AD-T)

Associate Degrees (AA/AS)

Certificates of Achievement

Courses Related in Content

Limitation on Enrollment by Courses Related in Content

Many Kinesiology courses have enrollment limitations. Active participatory courses that share a similar educational objective in Kinesiology are grouped together as a “family” of courses related in content. Students are allowed four enrollments within each “family”, but each course in the “family” is limited to one enrollment unless it has been designated as repeatable, per Title 5, Section 55040 (c), California Code of Regulations:

"The policies and procedures adopted by the governing board of each community college district pursuant to subdivision (a) may not permit student enrollment in active participatory courses, as defined in section 55000, in physical education/kinesiology, visual arts or performing arts that are related in content, more than four times for semester courses. This limitation applies even if a student receives a substandard grade or “W” during one or more of the enrollments in such a course or petitions for repetition due to extenuating circumstances as provided in section 55045."  The following groups of courses related in content were approved by the Curriculum Committee:

Course Code Title Units
Related in ContentKinesiology Courses
Dance, Aerobic
Dance, Jazz
Kickboxing Aerobics
Endurance Training (Running/Swimming/Cardio-Respiratory)
Adapted Fitness Aquatics
Swimming & Running for Triathletes
Aquatic Crosstraining
Water Fitness
Adapted Badminton
Martial Arts
Competitive Fencing Strategy
Pilates Mat Work
Pilates for Dance
Golf: The Short Game
Adapted Golf
Body Sculpt & Tone
Adapted Physical Activity
Weight Training
Biomechanics of Strength Training
Jogging, Powerwalking & Running
Biomechanics of Running
Endurance Training (Running/Swimming/Cardio-Respiratory)
Swimming & Running for Triathletes
Adapted Tennis
Strokes & Strategies for Tennis Play
TRX & Kettlebell Training
Core Conditioning
Personal Fitness
Adapted Yoga
Yoga for Dancers
Yoga I-Fundamentals of Yoga
Yoga II-Beginning Yoga
Yoga III-Intermediate Yoga
Yoga IV-Advanced Yoga
Vinyasa Power Yoga

Kinesiology (KINE)

KINE 001  First Aid and Safety   Units: 3

This course includes theory and practice in immediate and temporary care given in case of accident or sudden illness, until service of a trained medical professional can be obtained. Upon successful completion, students may have the option to perform a skills test for certification cards in first aid and CPR, when available. C-ID: KIN 101
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: ENG 061.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: C5                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 003  Introduction to Sports Medicine   Units: 3

This course provides an introduction to the principles and scientific foundations of sports medicine, including prevention, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of common athletic injuries. It includes the career options under the sports medicine umbrella, job responsibilities of certified athletic trainers, and taping and wrapping of athletic injuries.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 004  Advanced Sports Medicine   Units: 3

This course provides an overview of the principles and scientific foundation of managing athletic injuries for students considering a career in Sports Medicine. Topics include injury prevention techniques, injury evaluation techniques, treatment and rehabilitation techniques for common athletic injuries.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: KINE 003 or concurrent enrollment.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 006  Women's Self Defense, Health & Fitness   Units: 3

This course is designed for women focusing on developing the self defense skills and mindset required to make decisions to enhance one's personal safety and build upon empowerment. Students will learn how to assess and avoid dangerous situations as well as how to utilize their bodies and voices as weapons. They will be exposed to the civil and legal aspects of self defense along with effective crime reporting of physical assaults, sexual assaults and harassment. Students will have an understanding of the diverse roles of the (SART) sexual assault response team. There will be topics to promote optimal health and wellness such as; nutrition, weight management and positive body image. There will be a individualized personal fitness program design topics to include; cardio-respiratory conditioning, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and mobility movements.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: C2, C5                 CSU GE: E                 IGETC: None

KINE 007  Introduction to Strength and,Conditioning   Units: 3

This course is designed to study the principles and techniques involved in designing strength and conditioning plans to prepare students to become certified personal trainer. Emphasis is placed on client assessment, communication skills, program design, exercise adherence, teaching strategies, and professional responsibility and liability.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 008  Introduction to Kinesiology   Units: 3

This course is an introduction to the interdisciplinary approach to the study of human movement, including knowledge derived from performing physical activity, studying historical, ethical and philosophical foundations of physical activity, and professional practice centered in physical activity. It includes an analysis of the importance of physical activity in daily life, the relationship between physical activity and the discipline of Kinesiology, and the general effects of physical activity experiences. The course surveys the general knowledge base of the discipline as reflected in the major sub-disciplines and reviews selected in each, showing how they contribute to our understanding of the nature and importance of physical activity. In addition, the course introduces students to the general characteristics of the professions, to specific types of physical activity professions typically pursued by Kinesiology students and assists them in making some early career decisions. (C-ID KIN 100)
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: ENG 061.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: C5                 CSU GE: E                 IGETC: None

KINE 009  Essentials for Group Fitness,Professionals   Units: 3

This course provides students with guidance in professional development and client interaction in the fitness industry. There is emphasis on group fitness and individual fitness assessment as related to gender, age and special health circumstances. The class will cover the industry of group fitness, foundations of exercise science, the human movement system, integrated fitness, teaching methodologies, teaching multi-training and exercise technique, class planning and preparation, and adapting to class dynamics. The course will expand upon diverse communication and learning styles, how to increase class engagement and motivation and professional and legal responsibilities for group fitness professionals. The course will examine principles of adherence and motivation, and the role of positive psychology to increase motivation. Current, future and past group fitness trends will be analyzed as a way to compliment exercise program design and progression of vast individual and group ability levels. The course will include the important roles of growing a personal business both small and large, self-marketing, and ethical and legal responsibilities of the group fitness industry. The students will also be exposed and learn from community leaders in fitness, health and wellness in the Coachella Valley.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 010  Personal & Community Health   Units: 3

This course focuses on the exploration of major health issues and behaviors in the various dimensions of health with implications for individuals and societies. Topics include nutrition, exercise, weight control, mental health, stress management, violence, substance abuse, reproductive health, disease prevention, aging, healthcare, and environmental hazards and safety. (C-ID PHS 100)
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: ENG 061.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: C2, C5                 CSU GE: E                 IGETC: None

KINE 011  Men's Self Defense, Health & Fitness   Units: 3

This course provides knowledge of the basics of self defense principles for men. The course will cover risk reduction strategies to prevent violence to include the following; risk awareness, risk recognition, risk reduction and risk avoidance as well as aspects of the law and self defense. Students will learn how to use their body as a weapon and identification of vulnerable areas on your attacker. Psychological health parameters as related to men's health, such as anger management and stress reduction techniques will be addressed. The significance of responsible behavior and negative health consequenes regarding alcohol, tobacco, illicit drug abuse and addiction will be discussed. The value of healthy relationships, birth control and sexually transmitted diseases will be instructed. Significant topics such as the importance of physical activity and the components of fitness, along with nutritional strategies for optimal health will also be imparted.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: C2, C5                 CSU GE: E                 IGETC: None

KINE 012  Clinical Experiences In Sports Medicine   Units: 2

This course will expose students to basic injury prevention and care. The student will observe and assist sports medicine clinicians in administering health care to their clientele. Skills to be learned and performed include prophylactic taping and wrapping, immediate injury management, basic rehabilitation exercises and modality application.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 108          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: KINE-003.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 013  Clinical Experiences in Sports Medicine,II   Units: 2

This course will expose students to injury evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation and career exploration in the area of sports medicine. Students will observe patients and athletes in a variety of sports medicine settings.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 108          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: KINE 003 & KINE 012.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 018  Yoga Teacher Training Essentials   Units: 3

This course serves as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of yoga necessary to further one's personal practice and to instruct beginner level yoga classes. Students will investigate and develop an in-depth understanding of the eight limbs of yoga, with a specific focus on the yamas, niyamas, asanas and pranayama as a foundation for teaching yoga. Additional topics in this course include, but are not limited to: history and philosophy of yoga, introduction to Sanskrit, anatomy and biomechanics of yoga, asana classification, types of yoga, introduction to the yoga sutras and basic alignment principles. This course is intended for students completing the Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Program.
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: KINE 098A.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 019  Yoga Teacher Training Progressive,Methodologies   Units: 3

This course provides students with the class blueprint and teaching tools from which to develop and implement all-levels yoga classes. There will be a focus on instructional methods, and students will explore and practically apply the concept of intelligent sequencing for leading purposeful vinyasa-based yoga class experiences. Additional topics include, but are not limited to: verbal and non-verbal communication strategies, understanding student learning styles, integration of pranayama and meditation, yoga philosophies, asana progressions and regressions, introduction to physical adjustments, principles of functional anatomy, the subtle energy systems of the chakras, lifestyle and ethics for yoga teachers, and the business of yoga. This course is intended for students completing the Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Program.
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: KINE 018.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 020  Health and Wellness Coach   Units: 3

This course provides students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to be a health and wellness advocate and coach. Emphasis is placed of effective coach-to-client communication techniques as well as the fundamentals of the behavioral, nutritional and physiological sciences as they relate to health and wellness advocacy and coaching. The topics will include the following: screening and assessment, guidelines for implementing and designing safe, effective, progressive purposeful exercise programs as well as client-centered wellness programs. The course will cover legal, professional, ethical, responsible and liable considerations for the student pursuing employment in health and wellness advocacy and coaching. This course is intended for students who are interested in health and wellness as well as future career opportunities in the field of health and wellness coaching.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: KINE 010 Personal and Community Health. Advisory: .
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 021  Applications of Health and Wellness,Coaching   Units: 1

This course helps students enhance their coaching skills with practice coaching sessions and instructor feedback. It also covers the ethical and legal implications of health and wellness coaching. This course is designed to provide students in the Health and Wellness Coaching program with practical experience in the field of wellness coaching.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: Corequisite: KINE 020.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 027  Techniques and Methods in Strength and,Conditioning   Units: 2

This course studies strength and conditioning techniques and methods used by fitness professionals. The supporting exercise physiology and biomechanics for maximizing technique, physical capacity, training outcomes and safety are covered. Emphasis is on the practical application and demonstration of strength and conditioning techniques for developing physical and functional capacity. Effective coaching and leadership techniques are presented for maximizing strength and conditioning results.
Lecture Hours: 18         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 037  Physical Training for the Public Safety Academy   Units: 1

This course prepares students for the rigorous physical demands of career paths in the public safety academies. The students will have specialized individual and group training to improve cardiorespiratory endurance, stamina, muscular strength, endurance, core strength, agility, and flexibility to improve pre and post fitness assessments that are common in public safety academies.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 038  Advanced Physical Training for Public Safety Academy   Units: 1

This advanced physical training course provides students with opportunities to advance their fitness and physical skills specific to career paths in public safety academies. Students will have an advanced fitness exercise prescription design to improve the components of fitness, and promote success in fitness testing specific to the various public safety academies. The course will consist of advanced exercises in core training, TRX, kettlebell and cardiorespiratory endurance training.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 039  TRX & Kettlebell Training   Units: 1

This course provides instruction in the most current and up-todate methods of TRX and Kettlebell training. TRX is a form of resistance training that includes various bodyweight, multiplanar and compound exercise movements. These are done with the aim of developing strength, balance, flexibility, and joint stability. Kettlebells will be used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility which improve grip strength and the posterior chain muscles. Kettlebell movements include kettlebell swing, snatch, and the clean and jerk.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 041  Core Conditioning   Units: 1

This course provides instruction in the latest exercise techniques and principles for students interested in improving core strength, posture, flexibility, speed, muscular strength and endurance. The course includes a variety of exercises aimed to strengthen the following muscle groups of the core region: Rectus abdominus, transverse abdominus, external and internal obliques and the spinal erector, muscles. This course offers additional exercises to strengthen the core pillar strength areas including the following: shoulder, hip, gluteus maximus, and hamstring muscle groups. The course covers the most current and up-to-date methods of training to enhance fitness and athletic performance.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Student Option
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 042  Adapted Badminton   Units: 1

Badminton for students with disabilities offers instruction and practice in adapted skills, strategies, and rules of singles and doubles badminton designed to meet individual needs.
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: 27          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: Designed for students with disabilities.
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 043  Badminton   Units: 1

This course provides beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction and practice in the skills, strategies, and rules of singles and doubles badminton.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 045  Basketball   Units: 1

This course provides beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction and practice in skills, offensive and defensive strategies, and officiating of basketball.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 046  Endurance Training (Running/Swimming/Cardio-Respiratory)   Units: 2

This course provides emphasis on cardio-respiratory conditioning involving both running and swimming. Students participate in specific designed workouts to improve their endurance and speed in both running and swimming. Students will be tested on body composition, muscular strength, cardiovascular and core conditioning.
Lecture Hours: 18         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 047  Body Sculpt & Tone   Units: 1

This course is an exercise class for all students. It strengthens and tones specific areas of muscle weakness in the body. The students tone areas not normally strengthened with other aerobic exercise activities. By focusing on each specific area of the body, they increase their knowledge of muscle fitness and injury prevention. Students also learn the fundamental principles of physical fitness and its impact on life-long health and wellness.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 048  Dance, Ballroom (Social & Latin)   Units: 1

This course provides the student with an appreciation for the art of Ballroom, Social and Latin dancing.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 051  Dance, Aerobic   Units: 1

This course provides beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction in principles, techniques and practices of fundamental movements used in rhythmic activities, basic dance, and exercise conditioning, with special emphasis on aerobics.
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: 27          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 053  Dance, Jazz   Units: 1

This course provides instruction in jazz dance technique emphasizing optimum body placement and improved body mechanics and coordination. (Equivalent to DANC 73A)
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: 27          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 057  Fencing   Units: 1

This course provides beginning instruction and performance in fencing skills and body development pertinent to fencing, (with emphasis on saber fencing).
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 058  Competitive Fencing Strategy   Units: 1

This course is for students who have taken beginning fencing and wish to compete. Techniques and strategies needed for competitive fencing will be demonstrated and practiced. Students will spar. Competition rules will be explained and students will learn how to referee a bout.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: KINE 057.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 062  Golf   Units: 1

This course provides beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction and practice in the skills and strategies of golf.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 063  Golf: The Short Game   Units: 1

This course provides beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction and practice in the skills and strategies of the short game of golf. The emphasis of this course is on golf shots up to 100 yards.
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: 27          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: Some previous golf experience.
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 064  Adapted Tennis   Units: 1

Tennis for students with disabilities. Offers instruction and practice in adapted skills, strategies, and rules of tennis designed to meet individual needs.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: Designed for students with disabilities.
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 065  Adapted Physical Activity   Units: 1

This course for students with disabilities emphasizes the development of an individualized strength training and fitness program. Mobility assistants are provided.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: Designed for students with disabilities.
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 066  Adapted Fitness Aquatics   Units: 1

This course for students with disabilities emphasizes physical fitness, flexibility, and balance through resisance exercises in the water. The pool is four feet deep. Pool lifts and instructional aides are available.
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: 27          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: Designed for students with disabilities.
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 067  Adapted Golf   Units: 1

This course provides golf instruction and practice that is adapted for students with disabilities.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: Designed for students with disabilities.
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 068  Jogging, Powerwalking & Running   Units: 1

This course provides beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction in a progressive program of powerwalking and running as applied to health and fitness.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Student Option
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 069  Biomechanics of Running   Units: 1

This course provides instruction on proper biomechanics of running. It will cover proper form and technique of the natural, efficient and minimalist style of running. The course will also go over different cardiorespiratory exercise prescriptions for interval training, endurance and trail running. It will include a component of injury prevention and exercise prescription designed to improve individual training safely. In addition, basic strength, core and flexibility exercises will be covered to improve biomechanics and fitness for the runner enthusiast.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 071  Kickboxing Aerobics   Units: 1

This course is an aerobics class providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction in principles, techniques, and practices of aerobic conditioning using the style and choreography of martial arts. Students learn proper body mechanics and footwork involved with the different styles of kicks, punches, blocking, elbows, and knee strikes. These exercises strengthen and condition all of the major muscle groups as well as providing an efficient workout on the cardiovascular system. Students also learn basic fitness principles associated with physical fitness and the benefits it has on a healthy lifestyle.
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: 27          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 072  Pilates Mat Work   Units: 1

This course is designed for individuals who would like to increase their body/mind connection during movement. Students are introduced to the basic alignment and strength concepts of the body via basic mat exercises evolved from the techniques developed by Joseph H. Pilates. Students learn to move with strength, flexibility, and freedom, enabling a smooth transition to the more advanced level workouts where the emphasis of increasing stamina and endurance while mastering the intermediate level of exercises is taught. This is done with focus on control, centering, precision, flowing movements and breathing.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 073  Pilates for Dance   Units: 1

This course is designed to provide all students with an understanding of human body in motion as it learns and experiences the repertoire of the Pilates Method of body conditioning and dance. The course addresses anatomical and biomechanical principles as they apply to forms of movement.
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: 27          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 078  Martial Arts   Units: 1

This course provides foundational techniques in martial arts with an emphasis on physical conditioning, flexibility, mobility, sport, philosophy, and aesthetic appreciation of form and motion.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 079  Soccer   Units: 1

This course provides beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction and practice in the skills and strategies of soccer.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 082  Swimming   Units: 1

This course provides beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction and practice in the various swimming techniques.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Student Option
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 083  Swimming & Running for Triathletes   Units: 1

This course will offer instruction in both swimming and running focused for triathletes. It will cover techniques and biomechanics to improve efficiency and speed. It will include exercise prescription and design to cover the different distances of races such as sprint, Olympic and half ironman. The course willimprove cardiorespiratory endurance and stamina to enhance overall fitness and competition.
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: 27          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 084  Aquatic Crosstraining   Units: 1

This course will include a crosstraining approach to many styles of exercises, swimming and various sports that can be done in the water. It will include instruction on deep water and shallow water exercises to strengthen the entire body. It will also go over techniques and biomechanics of basic strokes in swimming. Running exercises and interval training in the water will be included. In addition water sports such as water polo and exercises and skills related will also be part of the class. There will be a dry land component which will address strengthening the entire body and core to improve fitness and enhance swimming and water sports.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 085  Adapted Yoga   Units: 1

This course is designed for individuals with disabilities who would like to increase their body/mind/spirit connection during movement and improve flexibility, balance and strength. Students are introduced to the theory, form, alignment and benefits of basic yoga postures. The students will gain an understanding of the practices of relaxation techniques and breathing practices. The course is designed for students who want to embrace and learn more about yoga and how it can possibly increase their health and longevity.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: Designed for students with disabilities.
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 086  Tennis   Units: 1

This course provides beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction and practice in skills, strategies, and rules of tennis.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 087  Pickleball   Units: 1

This course provides beginning, intermediate, and advancedinstruction and practice in skills, strategies, and rules of pickle ball.
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: 27          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 088  Strokes & Strategies for Tennis Play   Units: 1

This course offers biomechanics of the tennis strokes (forehand,backhand, volley, overhead, serve). The mechanics of each stroke will be stressed. Strategies used for play will be taught.
Lecture Hours: 9         Lab Hours: 27          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 091  Volleyball   Units: 1

This course provides beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction and practice in skills, offensive and defensive strategies, and officiating of volleyball.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 092  Yoga for Dancers   Units: 1

This course is designed for the dancer to build and maintain balance, flexibility and strength through yoga postures. The yoga sequences will provide a methodical way for the dancer to condition, restore the body, and improve execution of dance movements. The yoga postures, creative sequences, proper breathing and relaxation techniques can play a role in calming the mind, reducing stress, improving confidence for audition and performance.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 093  Water Fitness   Units: 1

This course emphasizes improving components of physical fitness such as cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility through resistance exercises in the water. Instruction of basic swimming exercises and drills may also be included. The pool depth is a minimum of 4'6", the ability to tread water is advisable.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 094  Personal Fitness   Units: 1

This course is designed to provide instruction on basic strength training exercises to increase muscular strength, endurance and enhance one's personal fitness levels. There will also be a cardiorespiratory component designed to improve stamina and overall conditioning. Other exercises to progress individual flexibility, core strength, and overall body composition will be integrated. An additional portion focused on various nutritional theories and weight management principles will be addressed.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Student Option
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 095A  Kinesiology Work Experience   Units: 1-5

This work experience course of supervised employment provides students the opportunity to connect academics to applied experiential learning in the workplace. It assists students in developing transferable employability skills, career awareness, learning industry culture, competencies and norms, and developing professional networks that support career mobility. To enroll, students must have a job or internship placement in a part-time or full-time capacity. Credit may be accrued at the rate of one to five (1-5) units per semester based on the student's ability to meet the hours required per unit enrolled. Students must work 54 hours per unit earned. This Work Experience course is available to students whose job or internship placement is directly related to Kinesiology.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 270          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 096  Weight Training   Units: 1

This course provides practical application of kinetic strength training principles for the beginner, intermediate, and advanced participant. Physical development and improvement are attained through the use of resistance machinery, free weight apparatus and other selected physical conditioning methods.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Student Option
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 096A  Biomechanics of Strength Training   Units: 1

This course provides the advanced application of strength training principles. Includes safety and personal health issues, advanced strength and conditioning principles, testing and evaluation, exercise techniques, and program design.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 098A  Yoga I-Fundamentals of Yoga   Units: 1

This is the first of four levels of classes relating to Yoga. This course is an introduction to fundamental yoga practices and principles. Instruction includes learning the fundamentals of yoga postures and proper form and alignment. The students will also gain an understanding of the practices of relaxation techniques and breathing practices. This course is designed for students who want to utilize fundamental yoga practices to increase their health and longevity.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 098B  Yoga II-Beginning Yoga   Units: 1

This is the second of four levels of classes relating to yoga. This course includes beginning yoga practices and principles. Instruction includes beginning yoga postures, guided relaxations, breathing practices, and basic stress reduction techniques. This course is designed for students interested in utilizing beginning yoga postures, practices, and stress reduction techniques to help increase their health and longevity.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: KINE 098A or equivalent of Fundamentals of Yoga.
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 098C  Yoga III-Intermediate Yoga   Units: 1

This is the third of four levels of classes relating to yoga. This course will introduce intermediate yoga practices and principles including some intermediate inversions. Instruction includes intermediate yoga postures, guided relaxations, basic and intermediate inversions, breathing practices, basic partner yoga, stress reduction techniques, and nutritional analysis. The students will learn the benefits of practicing intermediate yoga postures to help increase their health, longevity, flexibility, balance, and strength.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: KINE 098B or equivalent of Beginning Yoga.
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 098D  Yoga IV-Advanced Yoga   Units: 1

This is the fourth level of classes relating to yoga. This course will introduce advanced yoga practices and principles. Instruction includes advanced yoga postures, guided relaxations, breathing practices, partner yoga, advanced arm and standing balancing postures, and advanced inversions. The students will learn the benefits of practicing advanced yoga postures to help increase their health, flexibility, balance, and strength.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: KINE 098C or equivalent of Intermediate Yoga.
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 099  Vinyasa Power Yoga   Units: 1

Vinyasa Power Yoga is a vigorous approach to Yoga that emphasizes improvements in joint flexibility, mobility, strength and balance. The course will present multiple levels of challenging sequences to include the following standing postures, core, arm balances, back bends, twists, forward bends, hip openers and inversions.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Courses Related in Content
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 301  Advanced First Aid and Safety   Units: 0

This advanced course involves the theory and detailed demonstration of the first aid care of the injured or suddenly ill. Students will learn to assess a victim's condition and develop the skills and knowledge in Advanced First Aid and Emergency care for infants, children and adults. The course content is in alignment with the American Heart Association. This course provides valuable retraining for employment opportunities.
Noncredit Hours: 4                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 302  Advanced CPR and AED   Units: 0

This course is designed to prepare students with retraining opportunities in advanced skills and knowledge necessary to apply Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in emergency settings for infants, children and adults as well as being skilled in the application and procedure of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED). The course content is in alignment with the American Heart Association. The American Heart Association certificate fees are required of each student that successfully completes this course.
Noncredit Hours: 4                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 303  Lifeguard Training I, CPR, AED, and,First Aid   Units: 0

The course will instruct and provide the necessary skills and knowledge to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries, and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services (EMS) personnel take over. The course content will be in alignment with the American Red Cross and will include the following: lifeguarding and shallow water, waterfront skills, written exams and physical and skill testing. This course is the first part of a two course certificate preparing the students at completion of the certificate to take an exam applicable to lifeguard certification with the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross certificate fees are required of each student that successfully completes this course for certification.
Noncredit Hours: 36                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Must be at least 15 years old, able to swim 300,yards (12 lengths of a 25 yard pool) without,stopping using front crawl and breaststroke, tread,water for 2 minutes using legs only, and retrieve,a 10-lb brick from 7 feet deep and swim 20 yards,with the weight, using legs only and exit the,water without using a ladder or steps within 1,minute and 40 seconds.
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 304  Lifeguard Training II   Units: 0

This course teaches the skills and knowledge of Advanced First Aid for Lifeguard, while meeting the first aid requirements of Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations. Upon successful completion of this course students will be eligible to take an exam applicable to a Title 22 Certification valid for 3 years. The course content is in alignment with the American Red Cross. This is the second course of a two course certificate to provide valuable lifeguard training and skills for job opportunities. The American Red Cross certificate fees are required of each student that successfully completes this course for certification.
Noncredit Hours: 10                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: KINE 303.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 306  Water Safety Instructor I   Units: 0

The Water Safety Instructor I course will be focused on implementing water safety and developing teaching methods of swimming for parent and child aquatics, preschool aquatics and infants. The course content is in alignment with the American Red Cross. This is the first course of a two course certificate to provide valuable skills and training for students to be eligible for water safety instructor certification with the American Red Cross.
Noncredit Hours: 20                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

KINE 307  Water Safety Instructor II   Units: 0

The course will provide instruction in how to teach the basic strokes of swimming such as front crawl (freestyle), back crawl (backstroke), elementary backstroke, sidestroke, breaststroke, butterfly, flip turns and diving to children and adults. The course content is in alignment with the American Red Cross and will include skill proficiency and written assessments. The course is the second course of a two course certificate. Upon successful completion of the two course certificate, the students will be eligible to take an exam applicable to Water Safety Instructor certification with the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross certificate fees are required of each student that successfully completes this two course certificate for Water Safety Instructor.
Noncredit Hours: 20                                        Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: KINE 306.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: NONC
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

PTA 001  Introduction to Physical Therapy   Units: 2.5

This course will introduce students to the field of physical therapy by covering the history and ethics of the profession as they relate to the health care system. The course will cover the development of the team approach in health care delivery, philosophies of rehabilitation, patient relationships, and the psychosocial impact of illness and injury. Also emphasized is the scope of practice of the physical therapist assistant. Course content includes observational experiences in patient care settings. The course will also introduce verbal and nonverbal communication skills utilized in health care. Emphasis will be placed on terminology, format, computer use, reimbursement, interpersonal communication, and legal issues. Upon completion, the student will be able to discuss and demonstrate communication skills necessary for effective interaction with patients, families, and other health care providers. Limitation on Enrolment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program.
Lecture Hours: 45         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: ENG 001A.
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant,(PTA) Program
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

PTA 002  Pathophysiology I   Units: 2.5

This course introduces common pathological conditions with emphasis on the following systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, hematologic, hepatic, immune, integumentary, and lymphatic. The role of physical therapy in the treatment of these conditions is covered as well as interventions commonly performed by the physical therapist assistant. Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program
Lecture Hours: 45         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: BI 014.
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant,(PTA) Program
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

PTA 003  Therapeutic Procedures I   Units: 3

This course provides hand-on instruction of the principles and procedures of physical therapy interventions most commonly utilized in the inpatient setting, such as bed mobility, transfers, and gait training. Upon completion, the student will be able to demonstrate safe and effective delivery of taught procedures and provide an explanation of the rationale for each treatment. Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant,(PTA) Program
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

PTA 004  Therapeutic Procedures II   Units: 4

This course is a continuation of Therapeutic Procedures I. The course is a study on the principles, procedures, and rationale behind physical therapy intervention most commonly performed in the outpatient setting. Upon completion, the student will be able to demonstrate safe and effective delivery of all taught interventions. Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: 108          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: PTA 001 and PTA 003.
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant,(PTA) Program
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

PTA 005  Kinesiology Lab   Units: 1

This lab course allows for the hands-on learning of functional anatomy and kinesiology. Focus will include muscle and joint function, ROM/strength testing, palpation skills and exercise concepts. Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: KINE 008.
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant,(PTA) Program
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

PTA 006  Pathophysiology II   Units: 2

This course provides a more in-depth look at presentation and treatment methods of cardiac and pulmonary conditions and also addresses less common pathophysiology processes not covered in Pathophysiology I. Common impairments seen with each pathology along with the physical therapy assistant's role in addressing these impairments will be covered. The lab portion of the course will emphasize treatment techniques for the cardiac and pulmonary patient. Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program
Lecture Hours: 18         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: PTA 002.
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant,(PTA) Program
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

PTA 007  Neuroscience   Units: 4

This course provides students with an overview of the neuroanatomy of the CNS and PNS, as it relates to treatment of patients with dysfunction in these systems. Emphasis includes structure and function of the nervous system, neurophysiological concepts, growth and development, and neurologic dysfunction. Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to identify and discuss specific neuroanatomical structures, basic functions of the nervous system, concepts of human growth and development, identify neurological pathologies and test for normal neurologic response and function. Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program
Lecture Hours: 45         Lab Hours: 81          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: PTA 002.
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant,(PTA) Program
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

PTA 008  Introduction to Kinesiology   Units: 3

This course is an introduction to the interdisciplinary approach to the study of human movement, including knowledge derived from performing physical activity, studying historical, ethical and philosophical foundations of physical activity, and professional practice centered in physical activity. It includes an analysis of the importance of physical activity in daily life, the relationship between physical activity and the discipline of Kinesiology, and the general effects of physical activity experiences. The course surveys the general knowledge base of the discipline as reflected in the major sub-disciplines and reviews selected in each, showing how they contribute to our understanding of the nature and importance of physical activity. In addition, the course introduces students to the general characteristics of the professions, to specific types of physical activity professions typically pursued by Kinesiology students and assists them in making some early career decisions. Cross-listed with KINE 008.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: ENG 061.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: C5                 CSU GE: E                 IGETC: None

PTA 009  Functional Anatomy + Kinesiology   Units: 3

This course is a continuation of Introduction to Kinesiology and deals with the biomechanical principles of the cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, upper extremities, and lower extremities of the body. The course includes the kinesiological functions of muscles and muscle groups. Clinical manifestations of muscle dysfunction are covered, as well as techniques for joint measurement. Assessment by manual muscle testing, ROM testing and activities of daily living are presented. Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: KINE 008.
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant,(PTA) Program
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

PTA 010  Physical Therapy Issues and Trends   Units: 2

The course will introduce current trends and issues in the physical therapy field. Emphasis will be placed on practice issues and psychosocial aspects of illness and cultural diversity, with discussion on future of physical therapy and advocacy. Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: PTA 001.
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant,(PTA) Program
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

PTA 011  Therapeutic Procedure III   Units: 3

This course is a continuation of study of the principles and procedures of therapeutic Physical Therapy intervention, with emphasis placed on specialized physical therapy interventions and procedure for special populations. Students will learn how to instruct and prepare the patient to utilize this specialized equipment. Problem solving will be utilized in assisting students to apply standardized practices to meet individual patient needs. Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: 54          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: PTA 004.
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant,(PTA) Program
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

PTA 012  Clinical Fieldwork I   Units: 4.5

This is the first full-time clinical assignment in the PTA program in which students perform delegated patient care responsibilities in a physical therapy clinical setting, under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. Students will practice the application of physical therapy procedures according to the setting such as the acute, sub-acute, outpatient, skilled nursing, or other type of physical therapy/rehabilitation clinical facility. Facility will be assigned by program faculty. Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 243          Repeatable: No
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: PTA 003 and PTA 004.
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant,(PTA) Program
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

PTA 013  Clinical Fieldwork II   Units: 7.5

This is the second full-time clinical assignment in the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) program in which students perform delegated patient care responsibilities in a physical therapy clinical setting, under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. Students will practice application of physical therapy procedures according to the setting such as the acute, sub-acute, outpatient, skilled nursing, or other type of physical therapy/rehabilitation clinical facility. Facility will be assigned by program faculty. Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 405          Repeatable: No
Grading: Pass/No Pass
Prerequisite: PTA 012.
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant,(PTA) Program
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

PTA 014  Physical Therapist Assistant Seminar   Units: 2

This course is a capstone of the Physical Therapist Program. It is a study of the issues and trends in physical therapy practice. Emphasis is placed on issues such as licensure, job skills, board exam reviews, practitioners' roles, legal and ethical issues. Upon completion the student will have the necessary skills to transition from student to practitioner. Limitation on enrollment: Admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Program
Lecture Hours: 36         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: PTA 012.
Advisory: ENG 001A.
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: None                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

Recreation (RE)

RE 001  Intro to Recreation & Sport Management   Units: 3

An examination of the broad spectrum of career opportunities available in the recreation and sport management profession. Includes an introduction to career planning, recreation and sport management terminology, and an overview of specific skills required for professional preparation. Introduction of management and leadership roles as each relates to recreation, sport, and fitness organizations.
Lecture Hours: 54         Lab Hours: None          Repeatable: No
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

Varsity Sports, Men (VSM) 

VSM 011  Varsity Baseball-Men   Units: 3

This course is intercollegiate competition for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSM 014A  Varsity Basketball Fall - Men   Units: 2

This is an intercollegiate preseason competition and preparation course for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 108          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSM 014B  Varsity Basketball Spring - Men   Units: 1

This is an intercollegiate conference competition course for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSM 022  Varsity Cross Country-Men   Units: 3

This course is intercollegiate competition for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSM 033  Varsity Football-Men   Units: 3

This course is intercollegiate competition for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSM 040  Varsity Golf-Men   Units: 3

This course is intercollegiate competition for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSM 053  Varsity Soccer-Men   Units: 3

This course is intercollegiate competition for performance Oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSM 064  Varsity Tennis-Men   Units: 3

This course is intercollegiate competition for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

Varsity Sports, Off-Season (VSO) 

VSO 001A  Water Polo   Units: 2

This course is designed to give students the opportunity to condition off season to improve one's cardiorespiratory endurance, stamina, muscular, core strength and endurance to benefit the water polo player. There will be off season skill training promoting improvement and development in the intercollegiate water polo player.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 117          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 001B  Water Polo   Units: 2

This course is designed to give students the opportunity to condition off season to improve one's cardiorespiratory endurance, stamina, muscular, core strength and endurance to benefit the water polo player. There will be off season skill training promoting improvement and development in the intercollegiate water polo player.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 117          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 011A  Baseball, Fall   Units: 2

This is a fall semester off-season baseball conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 117          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 011B  Baseball, Summer   Units: 1

This is a summer semester off-season baseball conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 014A  Basketball-Men, Fall   Units: 1

This is a fall semester off-season men's basketball course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 014B  Basketball-Men, Spring   Units: 1

This is a spring semester off-season men's basketball course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 014C  Basketball-Men, Summer   Units: 1

This is a summer semester off-season men's basketball course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 015A  Basketball-Women, Fall   Units: 1

This is a fall semester off-season women's basketball course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 015B  Basketball-Women, Spring   Units: 1

This is a spring semester off-season women's basketball course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 015C  Basketball-Women, Summer   Units: 1

This is a summer semesteroff- season women's basketball course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 024A  Cross Country   Units: 2

This is an off-season men's and women's cross country conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 117          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 024B  Cross Country   Units: 1

This is an off-season men's and women's cross country conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 033A  Football   Units: 2

This is an off-season football conditioning course provides beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 117          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 033B  Football, Summer   Units: 1

This is a summer semester off-season football conditioning course provides beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 040  Golf-Men   Units: 2

This is an off-season men's golf conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advance instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 117          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 041  Golf-Women, Spring   Units: 2

This is a spring semester off-season women's golf conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advance instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 117          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 042  Golf-Men's & Women's, Summer   Units: 1

This is a summer semester-off season men's and women's golf conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 053A  Soccer-Men, Spring   Units: 2

This is a spring semester off-season men's soccer conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 117          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 053B  Soccer-Men, Summer   Units: 1

This is a summer semester off-season men's soccer conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 054A  Soccer-Women, Spring   Units: 2

This is a spring semester off-season women's soccer conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 117          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 054B  Soccer-Women, Summer   Units: 1

This is a summer semester off-season women's soccer conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 057A  Softball, Fall   Units: 2

This is a fall off-season softball conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 117          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 057B  Softball, Summer   Units: 1

This is a summer off-season softball conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 065A  Tennis   Units: 2

This is an off-season men's and women's tennis conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 117          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 065B  Tennis   Units: 1

This is a off-season men's and women's tennis conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 074A  Volleyball   Units: 2

This is an off-season volleyball conditioning course providing beginning, intermediate, and advanced instruction for students interested in improving skill development, physical strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance, and increased muscular elasticity while reducing connective tissue injuries. Students are required to participate in strenuous physical activity and testing. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 117          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 074B  Volleyball, Summer   Units: 1

Intended for off season conditioning and skill development for intercollegiate volleyball student-athletes during the summer semester. Limitation on Enrollment: Successful tryout
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSO 075  Beach Volleyball, Fall   Units: 2

This is a fall semester off season conditioning course providing training and skill development for intercollegiate beach volleyball. There will be fitness and sport designed workouts to improve muscular strength, endurance, cardio-respiratory endurance and increased muscular elasticity for injury prevention for the beach athletes to thrive and prepare in the off season.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 117          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

Varsity Sports, Women (VSW)

VSW 001  Varsity Water Polo   Units: 3

This course provides the women the opportunity to develop advanced skills and strategies in intercollegiate water polo which will be applied to competitive situations. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSW 015A  Varsity Basketball Fall - Women   Units: 2

This course is intercollegiate preseason competition and preparation for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 108          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSW 015B  Varsity Basketball Spring - Women   Units: 1

This course is intercollegiate competition for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 58          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: None
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSW 023  Varsity Cross Country-Women   Units: 3

This course is intercollegiate competition for performanceoriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSW 041  Varsity Golf-Women   Units: 3

This course is intercollegiate competition for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSW 054  Varsity Soccer-Women   Units: 3

This course is intercollegiate competition for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSW 057  Varsity Softball-Women   Units: 3

This course is intercollegiate competition for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSW 065  Varsity Tennis-Women   Units: 3

This course is intercollegiate competition for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSW 074  Varsity Volleyball-Women   Units: 3

This course is intercollegiate competition for performance oriented students who demonstrate a high degree of skill and interest. May be taken for a total of four times for credit.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None

VSW 075  Beach Volleyball   Units: 3

This course provides women with the opportunity to develop advanced skills and strategies in intercollegiate beach volleyball. There will also be competitive opportunities such as games and scrimmages. The course will include conditioning drills to improve muscular strength, endurance, stamina, agility and vertical jump to improve performance in beach volleyball. May be taken a total of four times.
Lecture Hours: None         Lab Hours: 175          Repeatable: Yes
Grading: Letter
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: None
Limitation on enrollment: Successful tryout
Transfer Status: CSU/UC*                 Degree Applicable: AA/AS
COD GE: None                 CSU GE: None                 IGETC: None