New World of Work Entrepreneurial Mindset Certificate of Completion

Twenty-first century workers need to be tolerant of inevitable changes in the work environment and adapt accordingly.  Improve your Entrepreneurial Mindset by developing strategies for developing self-motivation and an interest in seeking more job responsibilities; recognizing the positive side of mistakes in the workplace; learning how to determine an acceptable level of risk-taking; and combining different kinds of information to create new ideas and ways of doing things.    

Learning Outcomes

Upon satisfactory completion of this program students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate professional responses to risk-taking.
  2. Develop strategies for developing self-motivation to learn new things and seek more job responsibilities
  3. Define the differences between Entrepreneurship, Intrepreneurship and Social Entrepreneurship.
  4. Using critical thinking skills, analyze the skills required for success in the modern workplace.

Program Requirements 

Course Code Title Units
EMP 318ANew World of Work Skills: Modern Workforce0
EMP 318BNew World of Work Skills: Intrapreneurship0