New World of Work Resilience on the Job Certificate of Completion

Twenty-first century workers need to be tolerant of inevitable changes in the work environment and adapt accordingly.  Improve your Resilience on the Job by developing strategies for dealing with unintended consequences and understanding the importance of backup plans; learn to respond professionally to mistakes and failures in the workplace; improve listening and personal skills necessary to improve effectiveness in the workplace.   

Learning Outcomes

Upon satisfactory completion of this program students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate professional responses to unintended consequences in the workplace.
  2. Develop strategies for dealing with mistakes and failures and respond professionally to feedback in the workplace.
  3. Demonstrate effective listening skills.
  4. Using critical thinking skills, evaluate personal skills necessary for improvement in the workplace.

Program Requirements

Course Code Title Units
EMP 317ANew World of Work Skills: Growth Mindset0
EMP 317BNew World of Work Skills: Learning from Failure0