Probation, Disqualification, & Reinstatement

Probation, dismissal, and reinstatement policies and procedures are designed to assist students in making progress toward realistic academic, career, and personal goals.  

Probation Standards

ACADEMIC PROBATION occurs after a student has attempted at least twelve (12) units, as shown by the official academic record, and has earned a term grade point average (GPA) below 2.0 for all units graded according to the established College grading scale.

PROGRESS PROBATION occurs after a student has attempted at least twelve (12) units, as shown by the official academic record, and has earned a grade of “W,” “I”, "NC", and/or “NP” in fifty percent (50%) or more of all units attempted.

Students can be placed on both academic and progress probation simultaneously. 

Students transferring to College of the Desert from another college are subject to the same probation and dismissal policies as College of the Desert students.

Students on two consecutive terms of probation may lead to the loss of the California College Promise Grant. See Satisfactory Academic Progress, Financial Aid section.

Notification of Probation

The College shall make a reasonable effort to notify a student of their probationary status at or near the beginning of the semester in which the probation will take effect no later than the start of the fall semester. As a condition of continuing enrollment, a student placed on probation is required to receive counseling services, including the regulation and monitoring of his or her academic program. Each student shall also receive any other support services to help him or her overcome any academic difficulties. Prior to registration, a student on probation must have counselor approval of his or her educational program.

Removal from Probation

A student on academic probation shall be removed from probation when the student’s accumulated grade point average reaches 2.0 or higher.

A student on progress probation shall be removed from probation when the percent of units with an earned grade of “W,” “I”, "NC", and/or “NP” drops below fifty percent (50%).

Standards for Dismissal

A student on academic probation shall be subject to dismissal if in each of three consecutive semesters of enrollment the student’s cumulative and semester grade point averages are below 1.75 in all units attempted which were graded according to the established District grading scale.

Students on progress probation shall be subject to dismissal if the cumulative percentage of units in which the student has been enrolled for which entries of "W", "I", "NC", and "NP" are recorded in at least three (3) consecutive semesters reaches or exceeds 50 percent.

Students subject to dismissal may also lead to the loss of the California College Promise Grant. See Satisfactory Academic Progress, Financial Aid section.

Notification of Dismissal

The College shall make a reasonable effort to notify a student, subject to dismissal, at or near the beginning of the semester in which the dismissal will take effect but no later than the start of the fall semester. A student subject to dismissal has the right of appeal. An exception to dismissal may be made in the event of extreme and unusual circumstances that can be supported by documented evidence provided by the student. Requests for appeal shall start with a meeting with a counselor. Dismissed students who register for classes without prior approval from the appropriate dean or their designee will be administratively dropped from classes.


A disqualified student applying for reinstatement shall not be reinstated until a minimum of one semester has elapsed since dismissal. A student applying for reinstatement must submit a Request for Reinstatement to the Counseling Department. The request shall explain what circumstances or conditions would justify reinstatement. A student who is reinstated shall receive individual counseling to assess his or her academic and career goals and may be required to participate in periodic monitoring of their academic progress and/or take an assigned student development course. Prior to registration, a reinstated student must have counselor approval of his or her educational program.

PLEASE NOTE: Students on probation for 2 semesters or dismissal will lose their priority registration status and will be moved to the open enrollment registration period.