BIW IV: Marketing Office Specialist Certificate of Achievement

BIW IV: Marketing Office Specialist Certificate of Achievement helps students to develop a dynamic skill and use social media as part of a marketing strategy to promote businesses, create demand and increase sales based on customer and market responses.

Learning Outcomes

Upon satisfactory completion of this program students will be able to:

  1. Create a framework that uses social media platforms as analytical tools.
  2. Utilize social media as a promotional tool within a marketing strategy for a small business.

Program Requirements 

Course Code Title Units
Required Courses
AIS 074Presentation Software3
AIS 072Spreadsheet Software3
CIS 010Computer Literacy4
BUMA 027Marketing Principles3
BUMA 026Social Media Marketing3
Elective Courses - select 3 units from the following:
BUMA 094Business Communications3
MC 005Introduction to Public Relations3
BUMA 095ABusiness Management Work Experience1-3
CIS 095AComputer Information Systems Work Experience1-3
AIS 095AApplications and Information Systems Work Experience1-3