Geographic Information Systems Certificate of Achievement

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are software systems that allow users to integrate spatially related information from spreadsheets with smart mapping capabilities. In the Geographic Information Systems Certificate of Achievement, students work with ESRI ArcGIS software to learn Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tasks including: identification and acquisition of GIS data; assessment of vector and raster systems, scale, resolution, map projection, coordinate systems; spatial analysis; geoprocessing; georeferencing and Global Positioning Systems; creation of online and interactive maps. Geographic Information Systems provides basic information for a variety of careers including urban planning, community services, emergency services, resource extraction, business development, demographics and census research and Electives in this certificate allow students to investigate multiple pathways or concentrate on one area of impact. 

Learning Outcomes

Upon satisfactory completion of this program students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate competence in using the ESRI ArcGIS Desktop and Pro software to create an accurate map.
  2. Demonstrate competence in using ArcGIS online products to create online and interactive maps for modelling and analyzing complex spatial relationships.
  3. Articulate how GIS can be used in scientific, business and government applications.
  4. Using critical thinking skills, evaluate accuracy and effectiveness of different map projections and data management scales.

Program Requirements

Course Code Title Units
Required Courses9 units
GIS 021Introduction to GIS3
NR 021Introduction to GIS3
GIS 022Data Acquisition and Management in Geographic Information Systems3
GIS 023Spatial Analysis in Geographic Information Systems3
Electives9 units
Choose 9 units
AGEH 009Landscape Planning & Design3
AIS 0174
BUMA 003Business Statistics3
BUMA 027Marketing Principles3
BUMA 010Introduction to Business3
CIS 010Computer Literacy4
CIS 080Database Management Systems3
CIS 087Introduction to Programming Using Python3
CM 002Intro to Urban Planning3
DRA 002AutoCAD4
EMP 010New World of Work Skills: Adaptability0.5
EMP 013New World of Work Skills: Communication0.5
EMP 016New World of Work Skills: Analysis and Solution Mindset0.5
FIRE 010Wildland Fire Technology3
GEOG 001Physical Geography3
GEOG 001LPhysical Geography Lab1
GEOG 002Cultural Geography3
GEOG 007Regional Geography3
GEOG 010Geography of California3
GIS 024Geographic Information Systems for Business3
NR 001Conservation of Natural Resources3
NR 001LConservation of Natural Resources Lab1
NR 003Introduction to Wildlife Management3
or NR 004 Introduction to Ecosystem Management
NR 004Introduction to Ecosystem Management3
NR 017Natural Resources Law Enforcement3
NR 020GPS and Map Use1
NR 059Careers in Natural Res & Agri Sciences3
NR 095ANatural Resources Work Experience1-8
SOC 003Fundamentals of Statistics3